Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein
Worse, too, Stan. Form follows function. Thing is, there is some right handed guy out there, who could shoot lights out with this gun. Hell, a left handed guy came close, today. A truly right handed Darne, stock, safety, the whole shebang, is a rare item. As Argo has been digging up info on age of French guns, this one isn't exactly new, either-pre 1912. Really great condition, considering all the festivities in the first half of the last century in Europe.
I think it is a good looking gun, others do as well. As of right now, every comment on the topic is from a Darne believer, save, the one you put up.
The sculptured detonators disappeared in the 1920s, I've always thought they look cool. I'm partial to thin and pretty brunettes, too, but, not everyone feels the same, I'm sure.


All in fun, Ted. I know there are those who really like the looks of a Darne, but as far as function goes, if you can shoot the thing that well ............ it doesn't matter how it looks to anybody else. Pretty is as pretty does.

I imagine I could get to liking one just fine if I never missed with it.

Hmmm, did they ever make a 30" .410?

All my best, SRH

May God bless America and those who defend her.