Yesterday afternoon was a repeat of Saturday ....... in location only. I was using a 20 instead of the .410 and it's a good thing. Doves were few on my end of the field, and I had to stretch the 20 to get what I did, though the boys on the other end of our field were wearing them out. Crazy how much it can change in two days. Saturday, my end of the field was as good as anywhere else.

Anyway, with some concerted effort for about 2 1/2 hrs. I managed to scratch 14, going six straight at one stretch. I did make one very pretty double. I saw two coming together, straight toward me, and sat motionless until they were about 25 yards out. I made my move and they saw me and flared slightly to my right. I killed the first bird with the modified barrel then quickly pulled on the second with the IC barrel. They were both dead in the air (DITA) and hit the ground about 12 feet, and maybe one second, apart.

I think taking a double like that is one of the most satisfying things you can do on a dove shoot. Especially if you have several witnesses. wink


Last edited by Stan; 09/05/17 09:25 PM.

May God bless America and those who defend her.