Originally Posted By: Havnfun
If you have the right forend I would buy it from you. I have bought a few "junker" Meriden guns just for parts.

Also, the Meriden I have has Chain Damascus barrels and they are something to behold - I am getting set up to try and refinish my own Damascus barrels, we shall see how that goes....I have the double gun journal articles - gonna give it a go, wish me luck

Hi Brian. The one I have is a plain Aubrey, without a latch.

Damascus: There's a bunch of threads here, and one of them is me learning the process in front of the entire forum community, and the Internet in general. I would advise against learning in public to that degree. That said, I love the challenge of getting good at that work, and progress has been made in my pursuit of this skill.

There are a few "bottom line" points I would make:
- No two barrels are the same
- Your facilities and tooling may make everything harder than it otherwise needs to be
- Generally the process is the same to all (of those I've talked with) but one person's particulars might not work for you so find your own way through testing
- As in most things, prep is key, and early problems compound to be bigger problems later in the process

A really nice fellow sent me a bunch of non-working guns with damascus barrels to practice on. If you can get yourself a batch, I recommend that same approach. All of that work is like paying tuition.

Good luck.