From my personal observations in my part of the country.

Online sales of lower grade SxS shotguns is flat.
Local (auction) sales of lower grade SxS shotguns are doing just fine.

I attend at least 3-4 firearm, estate, public auctions per month. At times as many as 10 such auctions in a month.

At these local auctions it is nearly impossible to buy a good, clean SxS. They almost always sell for notably more than they would online. Those that sell for 'reasonable' prices are still not bid on by folks like me. Factoring in time to photograph, list and ship, makes them a money loser.

I see the same for other firearms. Probably the best example is Winchester Model 12 shotguns. A M-12 that would have sold online a decade ago for $4-500 won't bring $250 now. At the local auctions it will still bring $3-400.

Why is this the case? In my opinion (and discussion with other FFLs at the auctions) it is because people get old and die...

The number of lower grade SxSs and M-12s on the market has exploded as the greatest generation and older boomers die off. Buyers are willing to pay more for a gun in front of them that they can handle and examine.

When I end up w/ a SxS as part of an auction lot or by mistake, inevitably I end up consigning it to a local auction house to get it sold. I have three I plan on consigning soon. Been for sale on GB for exactly what I paid (plus free shipping) for months. Even after paying their fees I will likely make a few dollars.

Your mileage may vary.
