Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Just put him on ignore, Bill. You won't be missing anything of consequence . . . other than a guy with a really bad attitude. And who needs one more of those?

Hey Larry, here's a better idea. You could advise Bill to cry to Dave like you did, and beg him to lock the thread as you did when you got caught repeatedly throwing deer hunters under the anti-lead ammunition bus... and blaming them for leaving gut piles of lead bullet fragments that you said were killing eagles. Or did you cry to Dave because you didn't like getting busted for dishonestly editing the anti-lead ammunition position taken by the Audobon Society, and not being man enough to admit it?

And who could forget how many times you responded directly to me after you said you were IGNORING me? You're a real peach Larry.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.