Hey old colonel, how ya' doing? Just what is it that you find so unpalatable that you would prefer faux civility?

Is it the actual and true fact that Jagermeister has repeatedly and demonstrably lied to us about the guns he purports to own?

Is it the actual and true fact that Bill has repeatedly posted demonstrably false information and Liberal Left DNC propaganda in support of the anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats he supports???... or that he was so motivated by his own stupidity and personal animus for me that he dishonestly stated that I was questioning Jagermeister's right to post here?

Or is it the actual and true fact that Larry got busted by craigd editing out a portion of the Audobon Society's position on lead ammunition bans in order to bolster his false and incorrect statements... and then repeatedly tried to make excuses for such dishonest behavior without either correction or apology?

Or is it all three? And what kind of death spiral would this forum experience if everyone just lied about everything all the time, but did it in a manner of fake civility as you are prescribing? Do you think it's nice or civil that Larry attempts to run away from his dishonest editing and blaming deer hunters for poisoning eagles by frequently suggesting that people use the IGNORE feature to blot me out? I note that you aren't at all concerned about the thread diversion which occurred when the subject was diverted from the popularity of SxS's to an ancient debate about the percussion system of firearms ignition, and the resulting off-topic banter. We still appear to have differing opinions of just what constitutes civility. Dishonesty is not civility. Never has been... never will be. Please don't ask me to tolerate dishonesty again. It isn't nice.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.