Well, if that's the story, it's an almost unbelievable chain of errors.

Accident reports frequently read thus.

Break the chain at any point, and the accident does not happen.

Owner loans gun
Does not specify shells, assumes user knows
User does not know
User picks something inappropriate to say the least
Squad says nothing
Owner is right there(!)
Gun shows no sign of distress OR
Nobody even thinks to check
Gun blows

Even so....

Why? I know the law of Murphy is all pervasive but... sheesh.

Remington STS is an industry leading product. While no product is perfect, STS is likely 5 sigma reliable.

Many, many of them are used each weekend. What are the chances the ONE defective one ends up in that gun given the rarity of use in that application? Approximately zero.

The gun should not have blown like that, even given that the reported events are true.

At any rate, no injury and hopefully the community as a whole can learn from this.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble