Welcome to this board, Terry. Very nice looking Knockabout. I'll take a whack at value for you.

My valuation system is based on market research from auctions. There are three factors considered - Brand Value level (BV), Original Quality grade (OQ), and Current Condition level (CC). Brand Value level for Francotte is BV3 (highest tier for Continental makers and the bulk of British makers). The OQ for a Knockabout is about OQ 6.5; a mid-grade boxlock ejector. Current Condition seems to be about CC2 (Limited use - slight finish wear, little shooting).

BV3-OQ6.5-CC2 = $2,600

Your gun falls into a group that represent very good "usin'" value, especially when found in high condition such as your.

Hope that helps. Post back if you have questions.


Last edited by Rocketman; 10/03/17 12:26 AM.