Originally Posted By: keith

If you have been an NRA member since the 1960's, you ought to remember what happened when the NRA gave in to the anti-gunners in 1968.

I was a NRA member in 1968 & I think the NRA prevented the the GCA 1968 from being worse than it was & to their credit they worked hard for years to get some of the more onerous provisions of the GCA of 1968 overturned.

A repeat of the 1968 GCA or something worse is what I'm concerned about. Most time you have to give something to get something & I don't think we would be giving up much by putting "bump stocks" & similar devices & magazines with capacity close to those of belt fed weapons under NFA rules in exchange for National concealed carry reciprocity, removing sound suppressors from NFA status & gaining a little credibility with the non shooting voters.

National concealed carry reciprocity is going to be a tough one but you have to start somewhere.

Also, you are "preaching to the choir" on the drug issue (legal & otherwise). That & prohibition are good examples of why making things illegal doesn't solve the problem but you also have to remember that to many people "perception is reality" so sometimes you have to give up some things that don't really matter to keep them happy & get the important things done.

Last edited by Brittany Man; 10/05/17 03:50 PM.