
I was a junior in college in 1968 & well aware of the politics & public mood at the time. Neither the NRA nor anyone else could stop the GCA of 1968. It could have been much worse w/New Jersey type firearms laws for the entire country.

If you are smart you don't fight battles you can't win & you regroup, try to gain public support & prepare for those that you can win.

We will come off very badly in supporting devices that the public perceives as allowing semi auto firearms to mimic full auto firearms just because we won't give an inch.

If you feel that strongly about having something full auto then go through the NFA process. I've got several neighbors that did that.

As far as negotiations, no chance if you don't make the attempt & we have nothing to loose at this point. "Bump stocks" & such just slipped under the rug & should have been under NFA from the get go. They appeal to the spray & pray want to be Rambo mentality that give us all a bad name & the fewer out there the better.