A semiautomatic rifle is one that fires one cartridge with one function of the trigger, and extracts/ejects and feeds another cartridge automatically. A fully automatic rifle fires more than one cartridge with a single function of the trigger. If you add a bumpstock to a semiautomatic rifle, it still only fires one cartridge with a single function of the trigger. It moves the rifle forward after the recoil of the previous shot moves it backward. This pushes the trigger into the finger, causing another function of the trigger. It does this much quicker than you can do it yourself. It does not make a semiautomatic rifle into an automatic one. If we don't resist, the left will have prohibited semiautomatic rifles for the first time , since the 90s. The left will no doubt add a provision prohibiting any rifle( or shotgun or pistol) that can be adapted to a "bumpstock". They will sneak it in right before the vote, to keep it out of the debate. If you don't believe it, you haven't been listening to them. Also, they want to expand background checks to include all private sales and gifts. The refuse to enforce the background check laws now. I have witnessed potential customers in a friend's shop, being turned down. I went back in a month later and asked if anyone picked up the 4473, to prosecute the person. He told me not only no, but they never do. Under the 68 GCA, just trying to buy a gun, as a felon, is another felony. Lying on the 4473 is yet another felony, but 2 felonys is not worth the FBI/ATFE's time. When the left claims background checks kept 3,000,000 people from getting a gun, that is not true. They just stole one or bought one from someone that stole it.