Originally Posted By: Brittany Man
....As far as negotiations, no chance if you don't make the attempt & we have nothing to loose at this point. "Bump stocks" & such just slipped under the rug & should have been under NFA from the get go. They appeal to the spray & pray want to be Rambo mentality that give us all a bad name & the fewer out there the better.

You do know that you are referring to a gadget, not a classification of firearm, don't you? Same question as for ed, what would make a 'friend' of sporting arms so susceptible to ideological talking points? As far as the use of such device in this particular crime, are we sure that it was used? Have investigators ruled out some other illegal conversion of a legal firearm. Or, does the 'voice of reason' dictate the those who are against the 2nd always get to choose the conversation? Again, what would make law abiding citizens scramble to help blame the inanimate object, when lefties don't really need the help.