Well Craig a silencer it not a firearm & could be considered a "gadget" & it is considered an NFA device so how is a bump stock different?

DerAmi thank you for your service but re. what you support & what you don't support should be selected on individual basis. If it walks & quacks like a duck most people will consider it a duck & most people will not differentiate between a semi auto w/a bump stock & a full auto (most nongun people don't differentiate between semi & full auto either) so if a full auto is NFA so should be a bump stock. As gun owners we are in war for survival of basic rights, we are in the minority & image is everything so choose what you want to support & oppose very carefully.

And to the rest, if you sound like a Rambo want to be that is what I'll consider you until you prove differently. As far as I know there is no sporting or competition purpose for a "bump stock" & it's a poor substitute for a full auto weapon for putting rounds on target so other than use in mass fire into a crowd or making noise playing Rambo why would you want one.

If the anti's have other issues oppose them on an individual basis.