I guess the hardest thing for me to understand whenever we have one of these Gun Rights discussions is the idea that any man would willingly and knowingly negotiate or give up his rights and freedoms. The very idea of giving up a little bit here or there is absolutely ignorant, irresponsible, and borne of cowardice and fear.

I say this because there is ample evidence that giving up on any of our Gun Rights only leads to the anti-gunners coming back for more and more. When dealing with people like that, RIGIDITY is the only logical path. To read the posts by you Brittany Man, one would think that the only thing they're (the Anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats) really coming after is the bump stocks that neither you or I own. Nothing could be further from the truth. As noted, bump stocks could be regulated by the ATF without any legislation. Blaming Republicans and gun owners for that is just grandstanding. Perhaps the biggest prize they want once again is their so-called Universal Background Checks... even though this shooter sailed through literally dozens of them. This is because Universal Background Checks are nothing more than the National Gun Registry that will make confiscation of entire classes of arms much easier.

And yes, they are calling for absolute bans on large cap mags and semi-automatics too. That may seem reasonable to you too Brittany Man... until they come back later for handguns, pumps, and then your precious doubles. I know you think it won't ever happen, but in many circles, they are already openly calling for repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Perhaps you think that a few concessions now will keep them at bay at least for your lifetime. That is just so selfish and cowardly, knowing that you are helping them on the path to take it all away from generations to come.

That behavior is understandable coming from Ed. Everyone knows Ed is a low I.Q. anti-gun idiot. What's your excuse?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.