Originally Posted By: Bob Cash

Remember what Aaron Burr said in Hamilton,"Talk less, smile more". smile

This should make you smile more Bob... this is what you said back in 2016 when someone started a thread criticizing your precious anti-gun Democrats when they didn't display the American Flag at their Convention- Post #451503 - 07/27/16:

Originally Posted By: Bob Cash
I'm seeing flags.

Snopes said there were flags too, and discredited that story. But the DNC discredited Snopes... and you as well... when they apologized and explained that the reason they didn't display the Flag was because they didn't want to offend anyone. Jagermeister is certainly not my "arch-enemy". He is simply another disingenuous Liberal Democrat Fudd (without a single double gun) who posts a lot more often than you.

I thought taking a shot at your precious Democrats would flush you and make you take a return shot at me. I'm smiling a little bit now. Let me know when you're grinding the enamel off your teeth at night, so I can really smile, OK?

P.S.- If I was ordering a new 16 gauge double, I'd know enough about my typical uses for it to decide for myself what chokes would be best.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.