Originally Posted By: Rocketman

Average 2"-12 Bore Game Gun - 5# 6 oz, Balance to trigger = 3 5/8", unmounted swing = 0.95, mounted swing = 4.75, bbl length = 26", LOP = 14 1/2", compactness = 9.06

Average Light Game Gun - 6# 4 oz, Bal to trigger = 4", unmounted swing = 1.2, mounted swing = 5.94, bbl length = 28", LOP = 14 3/4", compactness = 9.44

Average Game Gun - 6# 8 oz, bal to trigger = 4 1/2", unmounted swing = 1.45, mounted swing = 6.38, bbl length = 28", LOP = 14 1/4", compactness = 10.17

Comparisons among the three listed gun types shown above show how these types compare quantitatively on average. Post back with any questions.

Stan, if you want 12 bore, very light, rear balance, and very fast swing efforts, the 12-2" does deliver. The key is that you insist on 12 bore.

As far as patterns, I see no reason to imagine the 12-2" would throw patterns any materially different than any other gun with similar choke.



Can you post similar data on 2 or 3 20 gauge examples?
