Back in the Days when Francis Sell was heavily promoting the 3"20 gauge he stated the 20 would actually out range the 12 when both were loaded with 1 1/4 oz shot. He published pictures of patterns to "Prove" it. The reason he gave was the slower, more progressive, powders used in the long 20's gave denser centers to the pattern with adequate coverage to a bit longer range. Of course they also gave raggeder outer edges as well. My personal "Opinion", though unproven is the longer shot column in the 20 put more shot in contact with the choke which put more shot in the center of the pattern. I believe the .410 has even more of this effect. It an be a good killer out to around 30 yds, give or take a bit, if one is a very good shot. I well know my own personal limitations & prefer a light 20 with ordinary 7/8 oz loads if shooting factory. If handloading 3/4 oz loads can be used with good affect in many situations. For my personal hunting I have little use of anything smaller than the 20, love the 16 but freely admit the 12 is the most versatile gauge ever built or likely to be built in shotgun design as we know it today "Long Live the 12". This was intended for the 12 gauge society thread but I believe it has been locked so these seemed the next best place to post it.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra