Gil & others;
Actually I am feeling quite well at present. I have experienced no pain at all. None of the possible side effects of my two chemo treatments have afflicted me. I've had an immunio (spell check was worthless) therapy treatment to help build up my immune system against outside infections as well as a sub cutaneous injection to help my white blood cell counts. I do have a very low white blood cell count which places me on a critical condition status, though my doctor still thinks I'm curable, sure hope she's right
Schedule now is I have three more Chemo treatments to go, each of which will be administered over a 3 day period. For my next two treatments I will also receive an injection designed to keep the cancer cells out of my spinal column & brain. As long as that is accomplished hopefully the rest can be killed off & I can hang around for some time yet. After all someone needs to stir the Pot along & keep some straight on their "Facts" & I'm not talking about the political trolls here.
Everyone just keep me in your thoughts & Prayers & on your minds.

Last edited by 2-piper; 11/07/17 01:40 PM.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra