Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Ted maybe I'm not thinking clearly yet this morning, but the only way I can think of to close the gun without it being cocked is to shoot both barrels and then take it apart with the shells in the barrel, and then put it back together and close it...Geo

Or maybe have the forend fall off.

There is that way, for sure, Geo, but there are guys that put the gun in a fitted case, barrels off, and use their little piece of horn to snap the locks, with disaster resulting, in the case of these guns, when it is reassembled. Also, someone who doesn't know better who decides to check the triggers pulls to see if they are nice and light and crisp with the barrels removed, figuring it is super safe that way.

The desire to produce idiot proof devices never truly reckons with the ingenuity of idiots.
