Keith, I think Jägermeister is in fact our own Ed Goode in another persona. He's lonely in S. New Hampshire in a village with 150 people. He needs you to reach out to him regularly.

And now you can start ranting about torched guns. He sells the guns he scrounges from the local community and some are dogs. And he admitted to me he likes to troll. But my dear Keith he does know guns...and he sold me one that was everything as advertised. (and me bidding on that gun was a total accident). And I've heard more interesting posts from him that I have from you in 1000 of your vomits.

Your rants start to take on a tinge of instability. Drink a hot milk.

Last edited by Argo44; 11/26/17 06:56 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch