Originally Posted By: keith

I see that your one man fan club thinks comments such as this amount to "snarkiness".

adjective North American informal
adjective: snarky; comparative adjective: snarkier; superlative adjective: snarkiest

(of a person, words, or a mood) sharply critical; cutting; snide.

Keith, while not being critical of your holding Ed to account at all, sounds like Argo picked a perfect word to describe some of the posts.

"Sharply critical" - Yup!
"Cutting" - Yup!
"Snide" - Yup!

So what's the problem? Would you really disagree?

Last edited by canvasback; 12/01/17 05:28 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia