Originally Posted By: canvasback
Keith, while not being critical of your holding Ed to account at all, sounds like Argo picked a perfect word to describe some of the posts.

"Sharply critical" - Yup!
"Cutting" - Yup!
"Snide" - Yup!

So what's the problem? Would you really disagree?

James, I already said that I disagree in my previous post, and I took the time to explain myself. And I didn't say that I had a problem with that observation, even though I continue to disagree with it. I know that you admire Argo for his contributions here with his collection of E.M. Reilly history and serial numbers, and his very useful compilation of translations of French-English firearms terminology. I admire those efforts as well, and have even contributed to the latter. You and I both know that Ed Good and his posts have been a huge net negative on this board. He offers next to nothing of value, frequently provides incorrect information, and he has been a constant source of anti-gun Trolling. I don't know of anyone who has had his posting privileges suspended as many times as Ed, do you? He did as much as he could to disrupt the "Preserve The Second Amendment Thread-Informational" that Dave Weber had pinned to the very top of the Thread Subjects List, until Dave finally let it fade into obscurity. When Ed Good contacted me by PM and I had him convinced that I was King Brown, posting under another user name, with the goal of getting Dave to eliminate the Misfires forum by fomenting constant disruptions, he was enthusiastic about it. Ed has transcended far beyond being an annoyance and a source of frequently incorrect double-gun information.

I'm glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee when I read this:

Originally Posted By: Argo44
...Ed is intelligent, probably sitting in a NH village and needing some intellectual company.

But then, in the same paragraph, he goes on to repeat his previous observation that Ed is indeed a Troll:

Originally Posted By: Argo44
As for his politics, he trolls and the stuff he trolls is as stupid as trolls are but apparently satisfies a need of some sort for some reason. Nuff said. If Ed trolls politics…give him Hell as Truman said….

He has even made the observation that he feels Jagermeister may actually be Ed posting under another user name. I can understand that theory since there are similarities, but I think Jagermeister is a totally different Troll.

I guess I have done exactly what Argo said pertaining to Ed's politics, and "give him Hell as Truman said…." But when I follow his own advice, that seems to bother him, And he has said, in other threads, that I have contributed nothing of value here. I note that he had nothing to say about that assessment that I provide nothing of value here when treblig1958 was kind enough to provide him with several very recent examples while I was away deer hunting for a couple days. And it now seems apparent that once again, he chooses to categorize me in this manner:

Originally Posted By: Argo44
— Then there are the ranters and insulters - They are the drunks in the bar who have an opinion about everything or nothing.

Would you categorize that as "snarkiness" too James? I'm just curious. It does seem to fit the definition you provided. I'll just have to find a way to live with the snarkiness that is often directed toward me, because I have no plans to change how I respond to anti-gun Trolls.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.