I know bullets of all types can theoretically kill most game. Some have more margin of error than others. Nearly 40 years ago I dispatched a very large, very nasty Brown bear with a .270 at close dueling range. It was.charging, I had a .270 looking for a moose and stumbled across a bear at less than 100 feet. Instead of running away, like I wished it would, it came straight at me. Brown bears tend not to run off like Black bears I learned. One shot, right into the eye and into the brain. Lights out. Absolutely dumb luck on my part. Two more seconds and I was going to be mauled by a bear or bear scat in the next morning.

So from that point on I have a very strict rule of using more than enough gun for what I am shooting at. I don't take a .458 to shoot tree rats but would if there were pachyderms in the woods.