
Thanks for your offer of help. I am in my office on lunch hour. I did't mean to get anyone up tight, just trying to find out some info. The guns are part of my fathers estate and I thought I would have time today to go get them but due to that old nasty thing called work, it may be tomorrow. They are 58 miles from me.

The Browning was my favorite gun and dad and I often took it out and several times we tried to build up the courage to shoot it but never did. The old 58 Cal. musket was my grandfathers. The A-5 stock has different colored wood-Light brown with a darker checkered wood up next to the gun. Very front part of stock. The front piece of wood is still another color-much darker. It has lots of writting (engraving???) on it. On the side of the barrel in English it has Cylinder 16 Special Steel. In one place it has Krupp-Laufstah ( that's close ) in another place it says something like Fanrique Nationale ( can't remember last word ). In another place it has Darmes De Guerre ( can't remember last word again ). Under this is has something about Patent Defose. The last one I can remember is Herstal Belgique. Not to bad a memory for an old man. Does this help you any?? Will send you seriel number by tomorrow night.

