I ran a fellow out of one of my dove hunts for twice shooting too low in just such a manner. I warned him after the first time and told him to leave after the second time. In hind sight I should not have given him a second chance but we all do dumb things sometimes.

A hole had "come" with an invited guest. Got a little mad when I told him to pick up and shove off. He asked me who the hell I thought I was to be telling him that. About that time his buddy wondered over. Head down he told him I owned the farm. Then I figured out a hole was not invited. Told them both to pack it in. Message got around the field faster than a high Dove with afterburners. Everyone was glad. Nobody want low birds shot at and anyone dumb enough to do it twice was a common nuisance to all.

About two years later a hole got elected Governor. Knew my chances of getting a pardon from the Governor was less than him getting invite from me that go hunting. I don't vote for a holes or hunt with them. My standards may be lo but I won't bend on something's.