Originally Posted By: treblig1958
"As tradition would have it, a pineapple was served or placed in an arrangement at every meal when a guest was visiting your home or plantation. Pineapples were very rare and hard to attain in colonial and early plantation life, hence it was a sign that you were truly welcome and your presence was celebrated. Traveling was a great feat in the days before gas powered engines, the journey to and from could take weeks on end. Therefore guests would stay for extended visits, and once the pineapple was removed from the serving table they would know it was time to leave."

Hey Wonko, I guess you don't see many of them there pineapples when you're visiting. Or they ain't there very long.

Now that was good. Very good! +1 Treb, thanks for the chuckle.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.