Those original links to Reillys were from my original research in Dec 2015-Jan 2016. Many no longer work. Thankfully I kept a copy of most of the original ads and photos of most of the guns. I've posted a working link to 34865 and the original ads for the other two whose links have gone dark. If anyone wants to see a pic of some particular Reilly from that original database, I may be able to accommodate.

I realize now what a lot of work compiling that database was and since it was usually in the evening with a scotch or a gin in hand, damned near turned me into an alcoholic. I'm also convinced I wasn't quite sane (not a surprise to some here). I am going to search my original database with key word "Best" to see what else turns up in the Reilly world. Mind - just because it has "Best" in the ad doesn't mean much.

Last edited by Argo44; 12/27/17 04:01 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch