Originally Posted By: KY Jon
I loved snow as a kid. Day off school and a extra day to go hunting. Many of my most favorite days hunting were during or after snow storms. Back in the late 1970's the Chesapeake Bay froze solid. Open water was very scare. I had a spring fed Creek which remained open all winter. In a half acre area there would be five thousand ducks shoehorned in the water and another group the same size around it plus geese and swans.

One snowie morning I set up five decoys about half a mile down the creek. Had to use a chain saw to cut through 6-8" ice to open up a tiny hole. About nine o'clock it started snowing. About ten o'clock the ducks started returning from feeding in the fields and poured into our tiny setup. Limits of both ducks and geese were too easyly obtained. Then we sat there for an hour watching ducks and geese fight to get into a hundred square foot hole in the ice.

The season ended a week later but we got multiple limits out of that hole. Twice during snow storms. Ducks and geese loose all inhibitions when it snows. They just pile in. After the season I dropped off a ton of corn to feed the ducks and geese. It got so bad I was afraid that starvation would kill them off. My hunting buddy fed another Creek about a mile away. 500 pounds of corn would be gone in a day. By the third feeding the ducks ran towards me while I was putting it out. Hungry has no fear.

Thats a really neat story KY Jon. I've been looking for years for one of those types of honey holes...