I think I've only spent one partial winter without snow and cold! A big adventure in my early 20's to Mexico, bumming around with a couple of friends. We left, mid November and we arrived back to N ID in Mid January with plenty of winter left.

I think I could handle a couple of more Nov-Jan winters somewhere south, even an encounter with a skiff of snow for a short period of time would be tolerable.

I did encounter a honey hole similar to what was previously mentioned by KY Jon. We have a river that flows between a couple of lakes here. Tug boats plied the river with log braille's back then, and would keep the river open. We launched into the river one morning and cleaned a channel off the river, into one of the lakes of about 1/4" of ice with the boat. Set out about 20-30 decoys and waited for shooting hours to begin. We shot a limit of ducks in short order, wounding one bird that sailed out to the middle of the lake.

The ice on the lake was too thick to break with the boat, so we decided we'd finish off our limit and then come up with a plan to retrieve the bird. We ended up not needing to put a plan together. A bald eagle landed near the wounded bird and after a short period of time pounced on the duck and began to feed. In short order there was another 4-5 eagles that landed and simply watched the original eagle eat. When it finished the others rushed in for the scrapes. I sure would liked to have a photo or video of that. We went back the next day cleaned out the ice again in the channel and shot another limit of ducks.

Last edited by Cameron; 01/03/18 09:06 PM.

Cameron Hughes