Originally Posted By: Lloyd3
Gentlemen, Thank you!

I'd love to take credit for being a steely-eyed Chingachgook or even an Uncas, but alas...most of the credit goes to my local brother-in-law who knew where to go and when. He'd already gotten his buck in the regular rifle season, but knew where this deer was reportedly running. I would have happily settled for a nice fat doe if this fellow hadn't stepped onto the scene when he did. It was just dumb luck on my part, and little more. In my experience, successful hunting is so many-times nothing more than just being-there, getting up and then getting out. It is what keeps me going, keeps me moving, and... it ultimately keeps me involved, interested, and fully alive. I plan to do it (along with casting a fly rod or two) as long as I physically can.

That is certainly true of the Pennsylvania firearms deer seasons...