Miller, a .45 roundball will shoot clean through a 200 lb. whitetail, side to side lung shot. I killed a 200+ lb. buck once with a .54 roundball that entered his white neck patch and exited under his rt. hind leg. Absolutely wasted everything in between.

Lloyd, I have a .36 cal. Appalachian Po' Boy longrifle (squirrel rifle with a 42" barrel), very little furniture, and that which it does have is all iron. It ain't a deer rifle, but I once killed a buck with it with only 25 grs. GOEX black. (If you're interested in how that happened ask) It resembles a Bean rifle somewhat ........ no buttplate, no nose cap, etc. If you'd like pictures, to get ideas, I could take and send you some. It won the South Carolina M/L Championship numerous times.

I've been shooting m/l shotguns and rifles for 34 years, and have never touched off a load of black powder substitute in my life. If it ain't true black, I ain't interested.


May God bless America and those who defend her.