Originally Posted By: vikingny
I shouldn't have been so dismissive. Nothing against either -- I've owned and shot guns from both makers and they've held up well. I'm not a high-volume shooter like you are. But I like the quality, craftsmanship and ethos of CSMC. All the guns are made right there. You can meet the people who personally made them. Those same gunsmiths are also making the A-10, Foxes, 21s and now they are making this one. It also follows the same story of the Trojan and the Sterlingworth. I don't mean to disparage Cabelas or Dick's but they're big box stores without any personality selling new guns that reflect the same. CSMC isn't perfect but they make good, if not excellent guns, and now they are making a very good one for the same or less money as the big mass-market companies. I know CSMC has a long and controversial story on this site, but I think they are accomplishing that no other manufacturer is still able to do: make high-quality guns, with much of the work still by hand, here in the US. And they don't have all the marketing budgets and big name reputation as the others. Part of owning a gun is buying into the story behind it. CSMC has a pretty good one.

Well said, Vikingny. I agree completely.

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