Originally Posted By: John Roberts
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
There no need to feel unpatriotic by buying products made outside USA. The fault for status quo lies with wealthy consumers wanting the cheapest shit possible and politicians who cater to Wall Street, bankers, corporations because they own stocks in companies that move production out of this country to reduce costs. The corporations/executives, bankers, investors can donate to reelection campaign of those politicians assuring that the vicious self-serving cycle continues indefinitely.

Such bullshit. Keeping consumer goods like shoes, clothing, furniture and electronics made here was not doable. Ridiculous union labor pay scale and benefits demands along with cheap overseas labor (75% less), combined with equal or better quality wins every time. Nothing to do with your flawed conspiracy theory.

Thanks John for making this point. I was involved in the footwear business from the very late 1970's forward. Had a ringside seat at the collapse of the domestic shoe manufacturing industry where it was centred in New England. There is one, simple easy explanation....for products of equivalent quality, consumers will pick the lowest price every time.

Whether that is short sighted or not is another question. But the only conspiracy or corporate machinations that went on was a desperate struggle to lower costs in response to consumer demand. Eventually the consumer insists it be made in the lowest cost country that can produce the acceptable quality. That specific location changes over time and product type/quality level, but the driving force is consumer demand.

It would have been so much simpler, and much less headache to continue having product made in factories in New England. Everyone speaks the same language, transport is easy and so is quality control....I can just drive or hop a commuter flight. But when my competition is at $149.99, I can't be at $350.00. And it was at that order of magnitude.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia