Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Vive la France!

Although we tend to criticize France and the French, it's good to remember that they are one of our more reliable partners in the war on terror. Particularly active in Africa. Back about 40 years ago....

And they should be a partner. Chances are most terrorist's parents weren't even born that far back. Good for them for choosing to pitch in out in Africa, they are probably also the model for importing and enabling domestic terrorism. Vive la US?

....As for terrorism in France, one could say there's been a significant shift....

....More recently it's because residents of those former colonies, not necessarily Muslim radicals, immigrate to France in search of better jobs.....

....But whether France is the model . . . England and Spain have also had significant problems. Matter of fact, both those countries had their versions of 9/11 before the more recent terrorist incidents in France. So that would seem to indicate that France is not "the model" for importing domestic terrorism.

There are, of course, many more western European and Scandinavian countries that also have, not had, significant problems.

I appreciate that you made references to recent shifts, thus my thought that current electronic data collection has little to do with limited military cooperation with the US forty years ago. There also seems to be very little indication that most French terror threats are due to repatriated descendants of French citizens from previous colonies.

It wouldn't be a stretch to argue that the face of 'the model' for enabling European terrorism is the no go zone. I decided not to quote it, but it really did strike me as odd that you feel it's not necessarily 'muslim radicals'. Yet, in the following sentence, there are already radical imams present and they are in fact radicalizing more muslims.