You are the problematic fake Jagermeister. You give advice on shotguns you've never used or never owned, and claim to own guns that you merely had on Layaway or 24 hour hold, and never followed through on the purchase. You lie about reloading and hunting and the number of guns you own.

Nevertheless, craigd is correct about protest organizers who supply signs with the same writing or printing. Would you question the legitimacy of an Obama rally if you saw a number of identical rainbow or similar signs? And exactly what was wrong with the 9 and the 11 on one sign? They are Arabic numerals, and they are the date that your friends killed almost 3000 innocent Americans who never hurt them or colonized their countries.

Of course you could always Google "Muslim Protests France" or "Muslim Protests London" or "Islamic Protests" and then click on "Images" to see literally thousands of photos of Islamists protesting and threatening Infidels. And you could have checked out the Religion of Peace link I provided to read about the animals you regularly defend here:

You were pretty quick to make a comment about the Las Vegas shooter and his use of bump-fire stocks, but I notice you were totally silent when I mentioned that an Islamist killed far more people in Nice, France with 86 deaths and 458 injured using a truck as a weapon. Maybe you'll tell us that was fake too.

So when can we expect you to analyze your fake and false information Jagermeister? I'd guess it will happen shortly after you actually buy a double shotgun... or some time after Hell freezes over.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.