Originally Posted By: bonny
In nearly every country in Europe, people have become disillusioned with the constant influx of muslims. There was the constant terror attack, be it by way of knife attacks, gun attacks, explosives as in Manchester, or by way of someone hiring/stealing a van or lorry and driving its into a crowd.

This has seen the very scary rise in the far right, most notably in German for the first time in 70 years with the AFD becoming the third largest party there.

Mamma Merkel decided she was going to be mother to all the waifs and strays of asia/africa, she said "come to Germany", and when they did, over one million of them, she expected to be able to allot every country in the EU a portion of them. Some countries such Poland, told her very firmly NO.

My only interaction with a muslim, was when at a factory i was working in as a machinist, a muslim guy who was employed as a floor sweeper/labourer, was caught stealing some very expensive micrometers, verniers, cutting tools and he was posting them back to Pakistan. When finally caught (red handed), he stated cooly that what he was doing was not a crime, because as he was a muslim, it was neither a crime or a sin to take from the infidels.

And its going to get worse. They're just waiting for the right time.