Friday and Saturday were both pretty quiet but there were busy moments and I have done pretty well. I doubt today (Sunday) will be much more than marking time until 2pm when we are allowed to start packing up.
Yes, the sporting gun area was pretty thin in comparison to previous years: quite a few have migrated to the Dust & Rust room with apparently very mixed results.
(Knives and engraving were similarly a thinned down attendance)
I considered following their example but after a quick zoom up and down the rows, decided that I would be a mite out of place!
I consider the shows now to be more about showing one's face, pressing the flesh, networking with other dealers and getting my wares into the USA for others to market online.
The rise of the online market and 3 day inspection has changed the market hugely, probably more that the aging demographic IMHO.
However, I would think long and hard before cancelling my attendance next year.