Originally Posted By: craigd

A developing example is looking like your beloved agency, along with the fbi and doj were tasked by the last admin to attack lawful citizen political opponents, rather than keeping on the sharp end of the CT business.

I'll move on from the Muslim stuff to the above. Chris Steele, author of the famous/infamous dossier on Trump, stopped cooperating with the FBI because he felt that organization was under the influence of Trump supporters. Then, from the other side, we hear that no, the FBI was following political guidance from the Obama/Clinton camp. Sometimes, such charges are based on politics rather than facts. I think I'll wait for the smoke to clear.

As far as the CIA being ordered "to attack lawful citizen political opponents" . . . by law, there's very little the CIA can do in relation to gathering intelligence on American citizens. For example, if CIA wants to surveil a US citizen in this country, they have to have the FBI do it for them. And that can be done only via request from the director of the CIA to the director of the FBI (or their designees). And the request must be made in writing--leaving a "paper trail", just in case anyone decides to play fast and loose with the rules. CIA did spy on Americans during the Vietnam era, got burned, and there are now specific laws that would be violated if that were to take place. So if you know about it, Craig . . . instead of talking about it on a BB, do your duty as a citizen and report it to the FBI. The current directors of both the CIA and the FBI are Trump appointments, so any "political prejudice"--which should not exist in either agency--ought to be clear.