The French (and most other Europeans) have been far more concerned about their privacy than the American people, for whatever reason.
Therefore data collected from individuals has to be disclosed to said individuals.
This started in the early 90's IIRC, well before the Internet.
The Internet as you know has made things exponentially worse.
Google's raison d'etre is to collect as much information as possible about YOU as they can. This is creepy to say the least.
Wouldn't you be interested in knowing what they know about you?
We like Google because they do not charge us for an amazing service, but they make their money (and gobs of it) by selling your information and your meta-information to anyone who wants to buy it.
This model is clashing with the existing French privacy laws, hence the notice.
We are soon reaching a point where privacy is a complete illusion, as all the providers collect data about you. They know what you buy, what you like, who you like, who you don't like, they infer how you vote, etc.
Aren't you worried about this? I am.
Who knows how that could be used?

If the information is wrong (as could happen with homonyms and other identity theft issues), there is no practical way to fix things.

Today I am not making any changes to my way of doing things, but this might change.

Best regards,