Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Oh great sick in the head Muslim defender....

All Muslims are terrorists in waiting.

Very very few have assimilated into our society...most have created their own non American society.

Larry I do feel sorry for someone that would expose their own flesh and blood to these infidel people.

Well Joe . . . my own "flesh and blood" (daughter) was raised by a couple of those people. I cannot imagine better care for her. But then that's only actual experience, vs paranoia.

All the while they were probably tapping you for US intelligence....

Because as you've shown the world yOu aint't the brightest bulb in the closet.

Ah yes . . . my illiterate maid was a spy and read all the classified documents I regularly took home and reported to . . . whom? The Russians? We did quite a bit of work WITH the Moroccan govt . . .which makes sense, because the best way to keep Americans safe in a foreign country is if the local authorities provide the protection. Benghazi is an excellent example of what happens when you don't get any assistance from local authorities. And if you don't and if there's a terrorist threat, then doing anything other than hunkering down in the embassy and relying on the Marine guards to keep you safe means taking a pretty big risk.

Funny story about the maid. One day, my wife stayed home from her job in the embassy. Either she was sick or maybe our daughter was. Anyhow, we had a kerosene stove for heat and regularly received fuel deliveries. The kerosene man showed up that day. Fatima brings the bill to my wife to sign. (The embassy paid for it.) As she signs, a thought occurs to her: "Fatima, who signs the bill when I'm not here?" she asks. "I do, madame," replies the maid. "But Fatima," says my wife, "you can't write!" "That's OK, madame," replies Fatima. "The kerosene man can't read!"

Joe, compared to you, a snuffed out candle sheds a whole lot of light.