Originally Posted By: King Brown
D'ya hear that old fear of being ignored again, a distinguishing and entertaining mark of full-blown narcissism?

C'mon King... you can do better than that. Where did you ever see any fear of being IGNORED? I'm frequently amused by Libtards like you and little brother Larry who claim to IGNORE me, but then repeatedly respond to me.

Here's a little riddle for you: What do you call a dishonest Liberal Left kilt-wearing Socialist anti-2nd Amendment troll with latent homosexual tendencies and reading comprehension problems?

Answer: King Brown

Just my opinion King, based entirely on your own words and actions. Now why don't you and your imaginary friends John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King just go back to drinking that brain damaging Nova Scotian hallucinogenic brew you distill from fermented lichens and perma-frost?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.