You have figured it out. Acetone over dries the wood and pulls not only the extra oil out of the wood but also the natural oil of the wood and too much water as well. In a humid area like where you are the moisture will gradually re-enter the wood if it has time. Problem is that we refinish the wood too soon and seal most of the ways back into the wood.

I set the wood aside for a couple of weeks if I can. Worst place is near a heat source which will just keep it over dry. If in a hurry I wrap it in a towel and wrap that in another slightly damp towel and then in a plastic bag but not sealed. Change it several days and then let it rest. The damp towel just puts moisture near the stock, the dry towel keeps from raising the grain too much. You could do the same thing with a cabinet that had a slightly raised humidity like your humidor.