I do hope my suggestion of Vodka has not started some sort of wayward behaviour from our American cousins!!!!
Just a food for thought post. I am sure that I have mentioned this before sometime in the past but I am still of the mind it is the finest method for removing oil from a gun stock, but not the cheapest initially but does have a lot going for it after its initial set up. With the only ongoing cost is a roll of Toilet tissue per stock.
Before I retired I was doing some work in a factory making ultra high voltage transformers, the final operation for each transformer was to impregnate all the windings with an Epoxy insulator and moisture barrier this was initially a liquid but set solid after an hour. This was achieved by putting the transformer and liquid epoxy in a small vacuum chamber then applying a vacuum, this caused the air trapped in the windings to be removed and could be seen producing bubbles on the surface of the surrounding liquid Epoxy. After 10 minutes the vacuum was slowly reduced and in doing so the liquid was drawn into the transformer windings.
My next visit home I put a gunstock with an oil saturated head in my suitcase for vacuum chamber experimentation, here I must say it was only a one time experiment. I left the stock on a hot radiator over night, next morning I wrapped the stock in a complete roll of toilet tissue to soak up the oil. Placed the stock in the vacuum tank and lowered the pressure slowly to minus 3 Bar keeping it there for 12 hours, then slowly bring it up to atmosphere. The results where surprising the toilet tissue was saturated with oil from the head and chequering, and just to make sure I did it all over again only this time very little oil came out in fact I would say minimal. I have always had in mind for an entrepreneurial person could do something with this on your side of the pond, we don't have the numbers of guns with oil soaked stocks here to make the expense of having this equipment worth wile.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!