Thanks to Marks 21! In havent learned how to post pictures yet.
Of course, this is before silvering of the action and refurbishing of the barrels for Damascus pattern, my ancestors had blued the Hollenbeck twice, which Im sure protected it, but now Im ready for it to look like you did originally, only with such poor vision, Im going to update it with a removable scope, as you can see, the picture shows the position of the scope, but the gunsmith has not installed the pivot mount.
With respect to Der Amis question, since, it was a repair of a gun, import export is totally different, but I did take the gun to the Customs office here in Mobile and have a document that certified its presence here in the US,so that when it returns it proves it was just sent for repair, I will be responsible for duty on the repairs and improvements.
Customs in Germany was unbelievably easy because UPS Germany was so organized and did such a great job with my gunsmith Tobi Nisse, he had all the necessary documents and licenses, they worked with him and no problem, once the paperwork went through,they delivered it to the store,The biggest issue was they could not believe the serial number was really 35 but as you can see with the pictures it certainly is
I believe they have given us three months to complete the restoration and repair and then return it without any tax or Customs problem, I do not yet know the cost of airfreight back to Mobile but wouldnt be surprised if it didnt get into the two to $300. Well worth it for this gun, passed down in my family since 1902, ready for another one hundred years of successful hunting!
I expect this to be a gun to continue as a safe and effective hunting weapon and would hope my descendants would be proud to use and preserve it!