I hope that Geo Newbern is correct and that Democrat anti-gunners will fail and the 2nd Amendment will remain as a bedrock principle. But that will not happen if we don't continue to act with resolve and determination. Hope alone will not sustain us. But millions of gun owners will blame the NRA if we end up going down the same path as Great Britain or Australia. I urge gun owners who are smart enough to see that we are under a continuous assault by anti-gun Democrats to step up and fight back.

I hope those who understand take a few minutes to call, write, or email their Congressmen and Senators, and join or renew membership in the NRA. Above all, don't be a FUDD who thinks they won't continue to go after all guns if they have their way with us now.

I do think it is time to press our legislators to take a hard look at the sometimes horrific side effects of SSRI Anti-depressants.The fact that many patients are helped by them does not excuse the fact that far too many end up suicidal, homicidal, or both.

I thank Ted for brilliantly shredding the totally inaccurate excuses that rocky mtn bill put forth for wacked-out students attempting to beat some body count record from a previous attack on another soft target of unarmed people. I too instantly doubted that shooters were retaliating when they choose to shoot up schools, movie theatres, churhes, country music concerts, or malls. There is a very good reason they don't attack Police Stations or gun shows. Those of us who aren't DNC parrots know that.

Jagermeister continues to show his inability to comprehend simple things. I have previously emphasised that the problem of mass shootings goes far beyond simple one-faceted solutions like banning AR-15's or SSRI's. But he is too agenda driven to see that other contributing factors I've mentioned such as the breakdown of the family unit, the rise of dependency on government Wefare programs, and the relentless movement to eliminate God and religion from society has been largely due to the same anti-gun politicians he worships. But his narrative is not surprising when you understand that this internet pretender with thousands of posts on a double gun forum doesn't even own one. He continues to place blame on easy access to guns, but has steadfastly refused to even comment on the 2016 Muslim terrorist attack in Nice, France where 86 people died and 456 were injured by a truck intentionally driven into a crowd. No AR-15's needed.

His fellow anti-gun troll friend Ed Good continues to preach the false narrative that the 10th Amendment supersedes the 2nd Amendment. Fighting a battle when you are being sabotaged by people who pretend to be on your side makes things much more difficult. And that is why I feel it is important to be relentless in exposing them for what they are.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.