George I have in the past few years sold or given about 50 sxs away. I have donated quite a few to organizations like RGS, DU for raffles at some events. I have given all nieces and nephews
That shoot or wanted one. The guns I sold I do not regret taking a small loss to give someone a good deal. A couple of months ago I gave a nice parker that had been restocked and refinished to my buddies grand nephew at a duck hunt. A great kid that was over the moon happy. I grew up poor and wish that someone had done something like that for me. Try giving a few to worthy
Causes and young folks . It takes a lot of pressure off you and you get to feel pretty good. Don't pass away with a pile of stuff
That meant something to you and someone has to get rid of. Think how good it will feel to know that a gun dealer will not be making money off your junk. Remember the sad day David passed and someone had to sell off all his guns.

Last edited by GMCS; 03/01/18 09:40 AM.