Originally Posted By: Wonko the Sane
Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: Wonko the Sane
Originally Posted By: Stan
A 17 yr. old can join our military forces, with the consent of a parent, and serve our country.............. an 18 yr. old without anyone's consent. If he is old enough to make a decision that can cost his life, in defense of us, he should be allowed the right to legally buy a firearm anyplace he chooses. SRH

....I have always considered that a disingenuous argument for all of the situations it has been applied to....

But, at least they walked to the plate and batted....

....Tho many define their life by their military service I do not see that as defining their stability in any way whatsoever. Crazy people are crazy people....

While we may find crazy people where we find them, those who volunteer for military service are a tiny minority of the general population. The rights willingly given up to serve don't really have an equivalent in the general population. At the time and place of their service, it might be better if that soldier is only a foremost authority on soldiering, and not on making other impressions.