I can't comment on CSMC quality control based on experience with one of their 21's. Have neither owned nor shot one. However . . . if their current standard of quality control is based on the new Fox A Grades they're making for Savage, they've got a serious problem.

I field tested one of those guns, liked it well enough that I wanted to buy one. The only thing I didn't like was the matte finish on the barrels. No problem, I was told. The production models would all have blued barrels. So they send me one: It had both blued barrels and better choke tubes (notches for the wrench rather than the "friction fit" RBL chokes that were in my loaner gun). Then I looked at the stock. The checkering looked like it was 2 tone. Turned out that was because the checkering panel on the wrist was cut finer on top than on the bottom. Like two different settings on their laser cutting machine or something? Really bizarre.

Anyhow, I returned it. Reported my problem through the PR guy, figured that had to be a "one off" goof. Also figured Savage might do a double check before the second gun came my way--especially since I was all set to give them some positive press. So gun #2 arrives. Didn't even need to look at the stock this time to know they'd screwed up again. Matte finish barrels. Shit! Then I did look at the stock . . . and the checkering had the same fouled up issue as the last gun they sent me. (Checkering on the loaner gun I field tested was fine.)

Anyhow, shame on CSMC for passing on crap like that on a gun with an MSRP of $5,000. Of course Savage also has to take a hit for not even looking at a gun before they send it out. Damned shame that two American gun companies can't do better than that.