Bob, what you are reading and hearing, as well as experiencing yourself, is the development of a brand's reputation. We know it as branding and it means something in the market place. That's why brand names have's a short cut to assessing the LIKELIHOOD the product will be what the consumer expects. It's why Purdey, Boss, H & H and Woodward are in a class by themselves on Rocketman's valuation charts.

You have an obvious enthusiasm for M21's. But clearly, there are some reasons why the originals are held is such high esteem and not all of the those attributes are making themselves known with the Galazan guns. Your positive experience doesn't negate another's negative. Ultimately the brand value will be the sum of everyone's experiences....with product, with price and with customer service. Larry's reference to another CSMC product is very germane to this's the same maker and the marketplace makes inferences.

Last edited by canvasback; 03/21/18 12:22 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia