Originally Posted By: Bob Cash
Hey keith!
I believe I'm beginning to understand your special relationship with Jagermeister

Jagermeister posts, you respond. Jagermeister posts, you respond.
Over and over and over again, Jagermeister posts, you respond.
It's Pavlovian!

Jagermeister has succeded in making you his slobbering B!tch.

So let's examine this situation a bit more closely Bob. If I respond to the internet fake Jagermeister, in your puny and mentally deficient mind, that makes me "his slobbering b1tch" But since that really bothers you, and makes you similarly respond to me, doesn't that make you my slobbering b1tch?

It looks like you have succeeded... not "succeded"... in making an even bigger ass of yourself Bob. I still think you did a great job of demonstrating what an IMBECILE you are when you attempted to insult John Roberts by referring to one of his posts as "IMBICYLIC". You should be a real inspiration to Jagermeister Bob. You are living proof that in this country, even a hydrocephalic short-bus window licker can own a Model 21.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.